Systematic Reviews

Systematic reviews are the core of evidence-informed decision-making. I’ve developed expertise in all parts of conducting a range of systematic reviews, meta-analyses, and meta-reviews (a.k.a., overviews of reviews).


  1. Paths to the light and dark sides of human nature: A meta-analytic review of the prosocial benefits of autonomy and the antisocial costs of control. Psychological Bulletin. Impact Factor: 17.74
  2. Optimal dose and type of exercise to improve cognitive function in older adults: A systematic review and bayesian model-based network meta-analysis of RCTs. Ageing Research Reviews. Impact Factor: 10.9
  3. Multimedia Design for Learning: An Overview of Reviews With Meta-Meta-Analysis. Review of Educational Research. Impact Factor: 8.241
  4. Video Improves Learning In Higher Education: A Systematic Review. Review of Educational Research. Impact Factor: 8.241
  5. School-Based Interventions Modestly Increase Physical Activity And Cardiorespiratory Fitness But Are Least Effective For Youth Who Need Them Most: An Individual Participant Pooled Analysis of 20 Controlled Trials. British Journal of Sports Medicine. Impact Factor: 7.867 
  6. Influences On User Engagement In Online Professional Learning: A Narrative Synthesis And Meta- Analysis. Review of Educational Research. Impact Factor: 8.241
  7. The Intersection Of Gender, Social Class, And Cultural Context: A Meta-Analysis. Educational Psychology Review. Impact Factor: 4.797 
  8. Mindfulness And Acceptance Approaches To Sporting Performance Enhancement: A Systematic Review. International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology. Impact Factor: 14.333
  9. The Impact Of Physical Activity On Brain Structure And Function In Youth: A Systematic Review. Pediatrics. Impact Factor: 5.515 
  10. The Effects Of Vigorous Intensity Exercise In The Third Trimester Of Pregnancy: A Systematic Review And Meta-Analysis. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. Impact Factor: 3.082
  11. Interventions that influence animal-product consumption: A meta-review. Future Foods. Impact Factor: To be assigned.

Video summaries

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