Knowledge Translation

I think there’s so much wisdom trapped in universities. Often, getting that knowledge out into practice can save lives.

This is a pitch I made to our university in 2021 for why I think knowledge translation is so important

Many of my projects have been about translating academic knowledge into practice. By using my skills in online learning, I’ve been able to help those projects have impact cost-effectively and at scale. For example:

  1. iPLAY is a whole-of-school blended learning intervention that improved children’s fitness for $16AUD/year and has been rolled out to ~200 schools. This project has been awarded both:

    1. Excellence and Innovation in Public Health Education and Research (Team Award)**
      **Council of Academic Public Health Institutions Australasia

    2. Vice-Chancellor’s Staff Excellence Award: Excellence in Research & Research Partnership**
      **Australian Catholic University

  2. Burn2Learn improved adolescent fitness, muscular strength, physical activity, and cortisol with school-based high-intensity interval training

  3. Thinking While Moving in English improved on-task behaviour, grammar and punctuation by improving physically active English lessons

  4. Ahead of the Game improved resilience, well-being and mental health literacy with a blended learning intervention targeting adolescent athletes. It’s now been scaled up as part of the national suicide prevention effort

In all of these projects, I was responsible for the multimedia and online learning at the core of the intervention. Here’s a summary of the key approaches I used:

Photo by Silas Baisch on Unsplash